Are you dreaming about a life in a tiny house on wheels?

You have come to the right place!


I can draw your house in 3D!

Don’t hesitate to contact me. I can help you wherever you are in your process.

Send me an email and tell me a bit about your self and your wishes. Let’s set up a video/phone meeting!

Video meeting or phone call – up to you!

In order for me to help you in the best possible way, I would love it if you send me an email in advance of our meeting telling me a bit about you and your tiny process.

Pictures and drawings are very welcomed. That way I can get to know where you are in your process and an insight into what you would want some help with.

what I offer

  • NEW: I can draw your house in 3D
    • Get a better idea of how it will look
    • I insert your kitchen, bathroom, lofts, furniture and even light switches and sockets!
    • You will get a PDF with all the drawings and dimentions ready to be given to a builder!
  • Help finding the right trailer
  • Designing the perfect layout for you and your lifestyle
  • Help desiding on windows, doors, colours and all the hundreds of details
  • Finding a solution that matches your wallet
  • Finding answers to your questions
  • Give you good advices and tips on the way
  • And much more!

choose between 4 packs

⭐ Intro 45 min

Price: 69 dollars

Here we get to know eachother. You tell me a little bit about you and your wishes, and together we find out how to start/continue your journey. If you had any questions in your email, I will answer them here.

⭐ 5 hours

Price: 299 dollars

5 hours at your service!

Get a detailed 3D drawing for only $399 if you choose this pack.

⭐ 10 hours

Price: 499 dollars

10 hours at your service!

Get a detailed 3D drawing for only $399 if you choose this pack.

⭐ 3D drawing only

Price: 499 dollars

You give me drawings of your house and get a detailed 3D print in PDF in return.

I go deep into detail.

Windows, doors, kitchen, bathroom, bedoom, lofts, light switches, sockets, fire place and you name it!

If you want to adjust something, that is totally ok! My goals is to make you happy and be able to go tiny as soon as possible.

All the dimentions are on the drawings – ready for a builder (or you!) to start building today!

Kom med justeringer og endringer underveis, det er viktig at du blir fornøyd! I PDF’en er det 3D-tegninger og alle mål på hele bygget som kan gis direkte til en byggmester. Bare å sette i gang byggeprosessen!


tiny house consultant

irene løvlie

My name is Irene Løvlie, I am 34 and live in Oslo (capital of Norway)


Tiny houses on wheels is my passion in life and I want to inspire as many as possible to go tiny as well.


Through my four years of designing, drawing, considering and learning about tiny houses, I found that I have a lot of knowledge that can be shared and used for the greater good. 


I am the founder of the blog


A tiny house can be everything you want it to be.


-as a fresh start in life


-to lower the living costs


-to take care of our earth


And some people have one because it’s fun and different (and don’t forget less space to clean!)

Contact info

Irene Løvlie